Take Control Of Your Life


”I feel empowered and look at life in a more positive way. It has inspired me to rediscover my passions and persue my dreams, despite being faced with challenges and obstacles.”

Kursist, TCOYL


TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE var et specialdesignet integrations-kursus målrettet asylansøgere og flygtninge, som havde til formål at styrke og genfinde deres indre driv- og handlekraft i forhold til at skabe en ny og bedre fremtid. Kurset arbejdede med selviværksat integration, hvor kursisterne blev uddannet til at blive ”mulighedsskabere på eget liv”. 

Med TCOYL udviklede vi et læringsforløb, der havde en kreativ og handlingsorienteret tilgang til integration og empowerment med udgangspunkt i kursisternes egne drømme og håb for et fremtidigt liv.

Kurset blev udviklet sammen med og på opfordring af Dansk Røde Kors (Asylcenter Avnstrup), som ønskede et alternativt integrationskursus, der havde fokus på at skabe og opbygge et positivt perspektiv hos asylansøgerne. Kurset skulle samtidigt forbereder dem til at blive en del af det danske samfund med udgangspunkt i aktivt medborgerskab.


TCOYL blev afviklet i perioden december 2013 - maj 2015 med 5 kursusforløb i alt. 90 personer deltog i forløbet.


Den didaktiske tilgang, som blev anvendt i TCOYL, var en kombination af flere elementer, men den havde sin grundkerne i aktionslæring og kreativitet. Gennem kreativitet og den handlingsorienterede tilgang i aktionslæring blev der skabt en overordnet læringsramme, hvor der var plads til at eksperimentere og afsøge nye muligheder i takt med, at der blev handlet på egne drømme og visioner for en ny fremtid.

Man kan også beskrive det som en Dream, Dare, Do tilgang, som tager afsæt i morderne motivationsteori Self Efficacy og Self Determination Theory, hvor der samtidigt blev opbygget et iværksættermindset hos deltagerne bestående af handlekraft, modstandskraft og tilpasningsevne.   





Now I know more because the course makes me think.      

Question: Are you now more aware of how you can be a part of the Danish society?

Answer: The facilitators talk about integration and incorporation with the Danish society and how we should be able to go inside the society and reach out to people. We have been using this in our field trips so I think this is successful. Now I know a way to actually integrate with society. I think it is not that difficult as people say it can be - that we are apart and living in different worlds - actually not, we can be together.

Question: Any last things you would like to say?  

Answer: I think the course encourages me a lot to personally pursue my what I want to be and do. I thank you for bringing the course to Avnstrup and I hope you guys will come again and do more courses like this because I think more people will need it - not only us - I also think Danish people need it. So next time maybe you could bring us together in one course.


Question: How has it been for you to participate in this course?

Answer: I think participating in this course has teached me a lot. It teaches me how to look at things differently, and it teaches me how to look inside of myself and know who I really am, and look at society in a different way. In a creative way. That's a good thing for me because sometimes I look at things in a straight way and it may not always be right. This course teaches me to be creative and I have been inspired a lot. I have been to places and I have gained a lot from the experiences. 

Question: How was the teaching style in this course? Was it like a traditional school or was it differently? 

Answer: It was very differently. As I said before, it is very creative. It is an "out of the box" kind of teaching. It is more psychological. I see things differently now, very differently from what I saw before. Now I think I am more sure of who I am and the picture of my future is more clear. Before I did not know that much about myself.


”The course helped me reflect on my inner self and made me think more about how i really want to paint my future.

Kursist, TCOYL.



TCOYL blev skabt i samarbejde med Dansk Røde Kors, Cultura 21 og FFSI. FFSI og Cultura 21 var de udøvende parter, som afholdt selve undervisningen.